Contemporary Governance

In our current society we can no longer permit ourselves to keep thinking in terms of the ‘own interest’ of the individual and of the organization in which we work. There is an increasing  recognition of the fact that there is a coherence, a synergy between the own organization and the perspective of the greater good. Everything is connected with everything.

‘Growing and flourishing’ is much more than acquiring  profit. It is meant to stimulate the organization and the people who work for it to mobilize the best of themselves for the benefit of the customer. And by that to flourish materially as well as immaterially in the natural habitat, the own optimal form.

“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.” (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry).

How to achieve this?

To be able to realize this, a thorough approach is necessary to offer organizations an opportunity for change at all levels: change at an operational level (implementers, managers and process monitors), management level (tactical management) as well as strategic policy level (directors/governors, Boards of Directors and Management Boards). In short: you should focus on both the lower, middle and upper levels of organizations. The only real chance to succeed is when at least these three levels adapt themselves to organizational change.

On the one hand this requires a development of skills and knowledge, on the other hand it requires an activation of the authenticity and intuition which is already intrinsically available.

I initially focus at socially orientated organizations such as:

  • Insurance companies

  • Pension funds

  • Governments (national, regional and local)

  • Healthcare institutions

  • Educational institutions

  • Housing corporations

  • Service industry


I can offer:

  • Follow-up training / further training of Boards of Directors in authenticity, integrity and synchronicity , and “Good Governance”

  • To facilitate management teams in their “yearning for the sea”, by means of the ‘appreciative inquiry’ development model for organizations.

  • Coaching of managers in solution-focused leadership

  • The support of implementation programs  for “results-responsible teams”

Every colorful talent contributes to the aims of the organisation.

Every colorful talent contributes to the aims of the organisation.